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Their Suits Clubhouse~奴等之背広更衣室~

Lining textile 裏地 : Eight Scenes of Cherry Blossoms Blooming 櫻八題 花盛り by HiroshiYOSHIDA 吉田博

Lining textile 裏地 : Eight Scenes of Cherry Blossoms Blooming 櫻八題 花盛り by HiroshiYOSHIDA 吉田博


Lining textile 裏地 : Eight Scenes of Cherry Blossoms Blooming 櫻八題 花盛り by HiroshiYOSHIDA 吉田博

Textile type : 
- COTTON_rayon chiffon  (single width : 110cm)
- POLY_micro-polyester  (double width : 155cm) 
- POLY_satin  (double width : 145cm)
- SILK_twill   (single width : 100cm)
- SILK_satin   (single width : 100cm)

Minimum length : 1m *Please enter 10 if you want 10m. 
Pattern type : Centered / Basic / Half Brick / Half drop / Mirror

Image size : As requested
Lead time : 6 weeks.

Note :
1. Customization is available in textile type, textile size, image size, pattern type and even design. If you are interested in any of them, feel free to ask us.




At the age of 23, Hiroshi Yoshida moved to the United States with Hachiro Nakagawa and held a ``Japanese Painter Watercolor Exhibition'' at the Detroit Institute of Arts. The following year, a two-person exhibition was held at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, which was a great success. Hiroshi Yoshida's works are said to ``depict even the atmosphere,'' and all of his works are sold out. Afterwards, he traveled to Europe and toured England, France, Germany, Italy, and other countries, and successfully held exhibitions all over the world. In 1919, he met Shozaburo Watanabe and began publishing woodblock prints at Watanabe Mokuhangaho(Watanabe Woodprint Gallery). In 1920, he established Yoshida Print Studio and became a publisher himself, releasing many works into the world. Perhaps because he was well known in Europe and America, Yoshida's atelier became like an art salon for the Occupation Forces after the war. In the fall of 1945, immediately after the defeat in the war, Mrs. Douglas MacArthur also visited the atelier. Yoshida's works are extremely popular, with printmaking classes held at the U.S. military officer's club and monthly studio tours for participants, and Hiroshi Yoshida's paintings are even displayed in the office of the late Princess Diana.
